Grupo MB - Industrial lighting and natural ventilation projects


Another successful project carried out by the MB Group, which has been in the market for more than 20 years. Understand it!

Shed Acclimatization: learn about the best solutions!

A climatização de galpão garante o bem-estar dos colaboradores e aumenta a produtividade e a vida útil dos equipamentos. Entenda...

How does the Lantern mitigate condensation situations in cold rooms?

Nós sabemos que a função das câmaras frias é a entrega de mercadorias bem geladas ou o armazenamento na temperatura...

CFD: Technology to Boost High-Performance Natural Ventilation Systems

Cost reduction, agility in the launching of the work and maximum performance of the natural ventilation systems. These are the main...

Best ventilation and lighting solutions for factory environment

Veja como configurar um ambiente fabril seguro e salubre com soluções inteligentes e sustentáveis.

What you need to know about roof lifeline and NR 35

Saiba o que diz a NR 35 sobre linha de vida para telhado e entenda como esse recurso garante a...

What is CFD and how applying the methodology can leverage your results

Dehydration, difficulty concentrating, and errors in work execution are common problems caused by lack of comfort

SUCCESS CASE - Domus Linealight and Lantern

The MB Group is in the market for over 20 years, always aiming to bring innovative and sustainable solutions for ventilation...

Is it possible to have natural ventilation in a storage shed?

Ample space, high ceilings and resistant flooring are characteristics that every storage shed must have to ensure the proper storage of ...

Did you know that it is possible to renovate your facade with industrial shutters?

If you still think that it is necessary to submit your industry to a construction site in order to give it a new face, ...

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