Dehydration, difficulty in concentrating and errors in the execution of work are common problems caused by lack of thermal comfort in industrial warehouses. To help minimize this situation, it is important to understand what CFD is and why this methodology is the best solution to design high performance natural ventilation systems.
In general terms, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) is the methodology that enables a perfect installation of natural ventilation systems, validating wind speed data and internal temperature in the factory so that it is possible to obtain the maximum performance of the solution. Thus, there is no risk of loss or rework. Read on and understand how it works!
Understand what a CFD is and how it works in practice
CFD is an innovative computer engineering methodology used to model fluids, such as air. Using this method, it is possible to develop a detailed design for natural ventilation in 3D modeling software. The program validates data and makes the necessary calculations to predict an ideal installation according to the needs of each shed.
In other words, CFD works as an air-fluid calculator that optimizes engineering projects, since it will not be necessary to manually calculate the behavior of the fluids in that space.
This allows different possibilities to be tested in the computer model and then applied with more assertiveness in the shed, considering that the efficiency of a natural ventilation project depends on several criteria.
The position of the building in relation to the wind and sun, the location of the openings for the wind to pass through, the size of these openings, and the meteorological data in the environment are some of these factors.
CFD uses this data while simulating the creation of a 3D mesh of the environment to calculate the midpoint of accuracy of the solution and then scale a successful design. Among the results raised by CFD we can mention:
- Fluid behavior;
- Air speed;
- Identification of stagnation zones, the so-called "dead zones";
- Identificação de pontos de maior e/ou menor temperatura;
- Pressure and pressure drop profile;
- Better positioning of the equipment in the building;
- Geometric optimization of the equipment/building.
What to analyze when making a CFD project?
A common problem in the construction of industrial buildings is the concern with thermal comfort. One of the most serious mistakes is that many managers only evaluate this issue after the work is already in progress, which generates rework, delays, and losses.
In this sense, more important than knowing which solutions to invest in to enhance thermal comfort, is knowing the right time to project them. CFD allows working with this predictability. However, some aspects should be prioritized to apply this methodology successfully. They are the following:
Having all the necessary information at hand
Professionals need to have all the data - inputs - of the project in hand so that the application of CFD in virtual reality occurs accurately. The more rigorous the collection of physical data from the project site, the more accurate the CFD results will be. Among the most relevant information are site measurements, project dimensions, and the climate configuration of the shed.
Analyze the space in which the work is being executed
The position of the shed, the places that receive direct sunlight, the wind velocity, the available openings, the degree of humidity. All these aspects interfere in the design of a natural ventilation system. For this reason, they should be carefully evaluated before applying CFD in the construction planning.
Evaluate the thermal comfort of the environment
Like the aforementioned magnitudes, the climate configuration of the shed also interferes in the performance of the ventilation project. It is necessary to pay attention to the air renewal rate required to ensure thermal comfort in the environment and to other relevant aspects, such as the type of machinery that will be installed and in which locations this equipment will be positioned.
What information can be obtained through the CFD?
The results obtained with the application of CFD allow an understanding of the fluid behavior inside the industrial shed, considering aspects such as air velocity, stagnation zones, and points of higher or lower temperature. However, to obtain these valuable insights it is necessary to consider all those previous factors that interfere with the performance of the ventilation system.
In this sense, some physical inputs most relevant to the application of CFD in virtual reality are:
- Positioning the building in relation to wind and sun;
- Number, type, size, and location of openings in the space;
- Meteorological data of the region where the building is located;
- Wind speed, considering the angle normal to the facade of greatest incidence;
- Execution of the thermal balance of the building, with the calculation of heat gains and losses by: insolation; industrial processes; people; equipment; lighting;
- Calculation of the amount of air needed to combat the existing heat and/or contaminant load in the environment;
- Number of openings needed for the required flow rate;
- The number of air changes needed per hour in the enclosure to ensure thermal comfort.
Why use this methodology in your natural ventilation project?
Let's look at the main advantages of using this methodology in the elaboration of your project.
Provides more efficiency and quality
Reading this far, you have surely realized that CFD raises the quality level of a natural ventilation project. With this methodology, it is possible to predict the behavior of the air fluid inside the shed and also inside the louver to increase the efficiency of the installation, reduce costs, and avoid losses.
The use of CFD begins with a careful survey of data from the factory itself. A specialized team goes to the warehouse and analyzes the factors that directly influence the dimensioning of the solution. Next, this information is computed in the software, which automatically makes the necessary calculations from virtual reality, thus guaranteeing a more accurate project.
Allows for quick changes in projects
CFD simulations help in the continuous evolution of each project, allowing quick changes and re-evaluations when necessary, always looking for the best possible performance of the installation. Furthermore, with this computational methodology it is much easier to understand how the natural ventilation system will work in practice, as well as its ideal fit and design.
Reduces costs and does not generate rework
Another great advantage of validating the data of your natural ventilation project with the help of CFD is to reduce the costs of the installation and not run the risk of rework, because everything will already be well dimensioned by the software. We know that your intention when installing natural ventilation systems is precisely to gain thermal comfort and save on forced ventilation. Therefore, any loss with the installation would be very frustrating.
Now that you understand what CFD is, there is no doubt that it pays to use computer-aided engineering when designing a natural ventilation project. After all, to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the solution, you need to prioritize the early stages of its development. CFD optimizes this process so that you can be successful in the installation and enjoy the best performance from natural ventilation systems.
Assists in reducing failures
Because CFD allows you to visualize certain elements of the project that would not be visible by other means, the work becomes more accurate and rigorous. This is fundamental to avoid failures and losses with unnecessary or inadequate installations, as well as guaranteeing the return on investment.
In other words, CFD helps the designer to predict the performance of the solution and to test many variations through prototypes until an ideal result is found. Thus, the professional can accelerate the time to launch the work, because the best routes to follow will be known in advance.
MB Group is a pioneer in the use of this methodology in natural ventilation projects. We prepared an infographic that brings more details about the advantages of CFD and its application in industries. Download the material and see what you should consider when making this investment!