Grupo MB - Industrial lighting and natural ventilation projects

Industrial lighting: does natural light really save energy?

iluminação industrial

Although many managers already know the many benefits of daylighting in industrial buildings, you may still have doubts: does the use of domus in industrial lighting really guarantee energy savings or is it a waste of time and money? Read on and find out the answer!

Can natural light bring energy savings to industry?

Yes. In addition to contributing to the well-being and health of employees, natural light in factory warehouses also brings significant electricity savings to the plant.

This is a very important point to be considered when talking about industrial lighting. After all, Brazilian electricity is the second most expensive in the world, according to a 2022 survey conducted by the Cupom Livre platform. In this respect, Brazil is second only to Colombia.

This is why it is so important to think of more economical alternatives in energy consumption, especially in industries, since this sector is responsible for very long production chains.

It's no wonder that investing in daylighting has become a priority in industrial lighting projects. Solutions such as linear domus, for example, ensure efficient lighting from a renewable, free and sustainable resource, also configuring a healthier work environment for employees.

Want to know more about the subject? See details about daylighting solutions and learn how to choose them in times of crisis!

6 advantages of daylighting for industry

The following summarizes the main advantages of investing in daylighting in factories.

Employee wellness and health

Natural light helps improve people's moods and immune systems, which is essential for a pleasant corporate climate. In addition, natural lighting also limits the growth of fungi and bacteria in the room, thus helping to keep the environment healthy at all times.

Industrial sustainability

Companies that wish to be truly sustainable need to go beyond actions to generate less waste and to have a good disposal policy. The use of natural lighting is also a great ally of sustainability because it avoids the emission of pollutants responsible for the greenhouse effect and does not generate toxic waste to the environment.

Quick return on investment

The industrial investment required to implement a daylighting system is often one of the objections of companies looking to save energy with this feature. However, it is important to point out that daylighting solutions have a very fast payback, since the results can be seen in the significant reduction of electricity bills and the low need for system maintenance.

Thermal Comfort

Daylighting solutions bring thermal comfort at zero energy cost. This is essential for the work environment to maintain UV protection through solutions that rely on quality materials.

Optimization of financial resources

As the expenses with electricity will be reduced, the company's cash will remain balanced, which is essential for a successful management. Another advantage is that, with the visual comfort brought by natural lighting solutions, the teams will be able to work more, which directly influences the profitability of the business.

Positive image in the market 

The gains of an industrial lighting project with intelligent solutions result in a more positive image of the industry in the market. After all, by investing in solutions that do not consume energy to function, the company assumes a sustainable posture, combining maximum efficiency in the production line with the least possible environmental impact.

Artificial supplementary lighting: a cost-saving secret for night-time work

Although a daylighting system with a domus maintains its efficiency even on cloudy days, it is necessary to supplement the system with artificial lighting for night work.

One existing risk is to keep the artificial lighting running when it is not necessary, which would end up affecting the savings that would be obtained with the lamps turned off.

In this sense, investing in an automated central office is a smart way out, because it prevents lamps from being left on while the natural lighting is perfectly illuminating the workplace.

In addition, the automated central dims the LEDs according to the levels of light entering through the domes, providing the greatest possible energy savings even when it is necessary to keep the lamps on.

Hybrid and efficient solutions 

Giving more detail about the automated control center we talked about above, a viable and intelligent possibility are industrial lighting management systems specially designed for storage and distribution centers and warehouses.

With them, the lighting is provided in different scales according to the needs of each sector, besides having a complete control of the intensity of the artificial lighting automatically, according to the variation of the external light.

The industrial lighting settings can even be customized according to the work shifts and can be accessed anywhere via a computer, smartphone or tablet. The data are stored in the cloud and can be accessed to monitor performance and keep track of all the savings generated.

The combination of linear domes and automated central is, therefore, the best choice when it comes to industrial lighting. It is also worth remembering that the domes - in addition to ensuring thermal comfort and light amplitude - are easy to install and require little maintenance.

The solution adapts to any type of roof and is installed using adjustable clips, which facilitates maintenance and avoids breakage due to dilatation. Domus is a totally watertight project, which is fundamental to avoid problems such as infiltrations or condensation dripping.

In other words, with so many advantages and differentials, it is easy to understand why daylighting solutions are the most viable for your industrial project, combining sustainability, energy efficiency, and maximum thermal comfort for the factory.


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